Critical reflection

If I could describe the effective communication module with Professor Blackstone in one word, it would be “brilliant”. The lessons conducted by him was never dull and I was always entertained by his sense of humor. Professor Blackstone always encouraged us to participate in activities such as writing short summaries or presenting our opinions to the class. These activities allow me to measure my capacity on my knowledge of English. Based on the feedback and advice given by Professor Blackstone, my writing and communications skills improved by leaps and bounds.

One of the issues I faced in this module was writing my design and summary analysis. It took me a great amount of time to finish it. I was having difficulties in forming my sentences and paraphrasing the articles. My range of vocabulary was limited and I have no idea on how to do proper in-text citation. Eventually, I managed to complete and submit my first draft. Based on the evaluation from my peers and Professor Blackstone, I improved on my writing capabilities. The peer evaluation exercise was a remarkable implementation to the class. We were able to rectify the flaws in our writing and learn from one another.

The final group assignment was to select a product and come out with ideas to enhance it. My team, A.C.E struggled with finding the correct modifications to improve on the siphon coffee maker, known as the Moka pot. At times, we ran into dead-ends which hurt our morale. As the team leader, I have to rally the team to continue the project despite the obstacles that we faced.  I split the work among the team members according to our individual strengths to accomplish it on time. Every mistake made was amended immediately during our discussion sessions. We even practiced our oral presentation together to prepare us for the actual one. This helped me to gain my confidence to speak in front of an audience.

To wrap it all up, I learned a lot from Professor Blackstone and my peers during this module. I feel that I have improved greatly in terms of my writing skills as well as gaining huge confidence in my oral presentation. As a leader, I learned to organize and divide the tasks properly. These skills that I have acquired will be a great help to me when I am in the workforce.


  1. Thank you, KaiChuan, for this highly detailed and well organized critical reflection (and for the accolades). You provide clear supporting info as you document some of the work you did during the term. I'm impressed by the learning you share in terms of the summary analysis, and the value that you express for the peer review process.

    I also appreciate your discussion of your learning in terms of the project work and the oral presentation. I'm glad you feel that you have developed your skills and can apply them when you join the workforce.

    Thank you once again for all your hard work, for your team leadership and for the positive attitude you showed during the term.

    Best wishes as you continue your learning journey!



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